LOS HERMANOS/On Another Level (reissue)/Los Hermanos 5,190円(税込)

デトロイト・テクノ傑作がリマスターされリプレス!オリジナルは2005年にSubmergeからリリース。Gerald Mitchell率いるLOS HERMANOSのソウルフルでスピリチュアルなデトロイト・テクノ名盤。 Birth of 3000, Quetzal, Resurrectionなど12インチのみに収録されていたアンセムも収録!

DJ MAACO & NINO S/Communications EP/Urge Trax 2,590円(税込)

DETROIT IN EFFECTのDJ MaacoとMinimalsoulやYoshi、Subotika名義でデトロイトMotechからもアルバムを残すNino Sebelicのコラボ・エレクトロEP!

KONDUKU/Slowworm/Amenthia Recordings 2,650円(税込)

Konduku's appearance on Amenthia feels like something that happened a long time ago, but with 'Slowworm,' he officially makes his label debut, delivering three solo works that solidify his close relationship with the pioneering Basel crew.

AL DENTE/The Serious Cousin/Animalia 2,590円(税込)

With the perfect fusion of Animalia's wide realm of styles and foundations, comes up & coming Australian producer al dente, with a minimal, modern take on peak-time bangers.

DETROIT IN EFFECT/Open The Vault/MAP 2,690円(税込)

"Upon at attempt to repair a broken DAT machine that was in storage for over 20 years, to Maaco's surprise there was a DAT tape still lodged inside! So what would one do?

DYNAMIC FORCES/Virus/Dolly 2,590円(税込)

The Dolly TS series welcomes another Italian super act, Dynamic Forces! This duo from Rome is known for their characteristically uncompromising music.

V.A/Flash Crash_Hack Crash/Amenthia Recordings 2,690円(税込)

Both originating from Basel Switzerland, experimental dance outlets Amenthia Recordings and A Walking Contradiction combine forces and present their first collaborative release.

NICOLA CRUZ/Perma (Fauna Extinta Remix and Dub)/Nous klaer Audio 2,590円(税込)

receding Nicola Cruz' new album Kinesia coming on Nous'klaer Audio this autumn, the Rotterdam label and Ecuadorian producer present the first album single with two vinyl only remixes on a limited 12".

WILDPLANET/Synthetic/Under The Radar 2,890円(税込)

Essential 90's Techno reissue alert from Wildplanet, originally released on the legendary Detroit label 430west.

VALIS(Eduardo de la Calle & Reeko)/Valis 01/Valis 2,590円(税込)

VALIS is a new ongoing project that was initiated over a year ago by Reeko and Eduardo De La Calle. The project is a tribute to Philip K. Dick, the author of the novel that inspired the iconic film Blade Runner.